February Artists
Kristin Juliette
A South City, St. Louis based artist that works in mixed mediums including watercolor, ink, and sharpies. She creates by fearlessly letting the colors and water flow to create new and unpredictable images. Each piece that she creates is a testament to working with the medium and championing its inherent tendencies to bleed and blend. She is no stranger to color and loves to see a piece grow as she layers!
Kristin has been drawing and painting since she can remember and studied Art at SIUE. She has been donating pieces to a charity called “Art of Paws” the past 2 years. Unlike any other program in St. Louis and one of only a handful in the country, PAWS helps people living iwht HIV/AIDS keep their pets as long as possible. Her art is auctioned off each year and the funds are dedicated to those in need.
Recently, she has been working on wood surfaces and experimenting with light dimension ground. This is like a “spreadable” watercolor paper. She can adhere this to wood, metal, glass, or literally any surface and work on it just like watercolor paper!
Stephanie Cox-Wiesehan
St. Louis based artist, Stefanie Cox-Wiesehan has been creating works of art since 1999. She originally started out painting murals, some of which can be seen around town at places like the Great Grizzly Bear in Soulard and in the circus room of the City Museum. In 2008 she started to branch out and began drawing portraits for people. After painting and drawing for many years, Stefanie decided to stop taking on commissioned jobs and just focus her abilities on her pencil portrait game. In 2019 she began a personal challenge to drawing one portrait a week for the last 6 months of the year. The idea around the challenge was to improve her technique, to focus all of her artistic energy on one medium and for the first time in a very long time to draw whomever she wanted. With the beginning of 2020 and 26 portraits under her belt, Stefanie is now exploring new ways of capturing a person through a colored pencil medium. She is excited to see where this will take her and is currently loving her refreshed outlook on her art….drawing whatever she wants.